2019- 2020 Legislative Session
Massachusetts has remarkably dedicated teachers and school administrators; it is why Massachusetts is home to the best schools in the nation. Despite this, Massachusetts has been unable to close the opportunity gap. Representative Galvin firmly believes a child's zip code shouldn't determine the quality of their education. Representative Galvin was pleased to support and proudly voted for the Student Opportunity Act, which will invest an additional $1.5 billion in our schools over the next decade. The bill also updates the funding formula for schools, giving districts more money for special education and ensuring districts that serve low-income students and English language learners have the resources they need to succeed.
Locally, Representative Galvin advocates every year during the budget debate for increased local funding for our schools and files amendments to the budget to increase funding for the Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children in Canton. Representative Galvin joined his fellow Stoughton legislators in fighting for funding for the new Stoughton High School after the state initially rejected the project. Over the years, Representative Galvin has secured funding for school building projects in Avon, Canton, and Stoughton, in addition to projects at Blue Hills Regional, Southeastern, and Norfolk Aggie.
Avon, Canton, and Stoughton are wonderful communities that are conveniently located 20 miles from Boston. Unfortunately the traffic congestion and unreliable rail service are constant frustrations for residents.
Representative Galvin has worked tirelessly over the last decade to secure funding for various road improvement projects. One example is the the ongoing Dedham Street Corridor project in Canton, which Representative Galvin successfully fought for in a 2014 transportation bond bill.
In a recent transportation bond bill approved by the House in March 2020, Representative Galvin filed multiple successful amendments including:
- $300 million for the redesign of the I-93/I-95 interchange
- $5 million to redesign Canton Junction station so it is more user friendly
- $500,000 to install heaters at the train stations in Stoughton and Canton
- $15 million for repairs to 139 in Stoughton
- $1.6 million for improvements for roads, sidewalks, and traffic signals in Avon
Improving service on the MBTA is a priority for Representative Galvin.
Representative Galvin has met with the MBTA's General Manager on numerous occasions to discuss the problems that plaque the Providence/Stoughton line. Representative Galvin will continue to push for improved service, better equipment, and more double-decker trains on the line. Because the service has been so unreliable, Representative Galvin opposed the most recent fare increase for the commuter rail and T. He also opposed the Stoughton option for the South Coast Rail proposal, and will continue to fight the proposed extension through Stoughton.
We are already seeing the devastating effect of climate change. Representative Galvin supports comprehensive policy changes to address climate change. Representative Galvin is a co-sponsor of H2836, An Act re-powering Massachusetts with 100 percent renewable energy. He also fully supports
H3983, An Act to create a 2050 roadmap to a clean and thriving commonwealth. During the annual budget debate, Representative Galvin co-sponsors "green" amendments, including a commitment that 1% of the state budget be dedicated to green programs.
He is proud to co-sponsor the following environmental bills this session:
H826, An Act relative to environmental justice in the Commonwealth
H751, An Act promoting awareness of sewage pollution in public waters
H762, An Act relative to maintaining adequate water supplies through effective drought management
H763, An Act to protect Massachusetts pollinators
H773, An Act further regulating the enforcement of illegal hunting practices
H4551, An Act relative to Energy Savings Efficiency (Energy SAVE)
H3500, An Act to protect children, families, and firefighters from harmful flame retardants
H2864, An Act protecting ratepayers from gas pipeline expansion costs
Representative Galvin spoke at Canton Town Meeting last year in favor of the town's plastic bag ban. He also successfully advocated against the proposed Access Northeast pipeline extension that would have impacted residents in Canton and Stoughton and the proposed development at Fowl Meadow near the Blue Hills Reservation.
Representative Galvin fully supports Massachusetts' public universities. Below are higher education bills that he co-sponsored this session:
H1208, An Act requiring sexual misconduct climate surveys at institutions of higher education
H1214, An Act committing to higher education the resources to insure a strong and healthy public higher education system
- An Act creating higher education opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities, autism and other developmental disabilities
H1243, An Act to ensure minimum fair wages and employment stability for adjunct faculty
H163, An Act relative to a loan repayment program for human service workers
Massachusetts made history by becoming the first state in the nation to guarantee marriage equality. Representative Galvin was proud to vote for marriage equality when it came before the Legislature. Since than, Representative Galvin has supported legislation that guarantees rights and protections for LGBTQ residents. Most recently, Representative Galvin co-sponsored legislation that prohibits the use of "conversion therapy" on LGBTQ minors. That bill became law in 2019.
Representative Galvin is proud to support legislation that promotes gender equity. Representative Galvin voted for the following bills that became law:
Pay Equity- Prohibits salary discrimination on the basis of gender
Pregnant Workers Rights- Prohibits discrimination against employees, or applicants for employment, who are pregnant or experiencing pregnancy-related medical needs, and provides a number of related employment protections.
ACCESS- Guarantees free birth control to residents of Massachusetts. This includes (but is not limited to) the pill, IUDs, and shots.
An Act Negating Archaic Statutes Targeting Young Women- Repealed old laws still on the books that outlawed contraception and limited access to women's healthcare.
Pregnant Inmates- Two laws were created that impact pregnant inmates. The first bans the shackling of pregnant inmates while they are in labor. The second prohibits the use of solitary confinement on pregnant inmates.
Title X- The House approved $8 million for women’s reproductive health organizations in Massachusetts over the next two years to offset the loss of federal funding through the Trump Administration’s “gag rule” changes to the Title X program.
Representative Galvin has filed two bills this session that promote women's health:
An Act regarding cervical cancer and women's preventative health- This legislation will ensure women who have tested positive for HPV and have a high risk for cervical cancer will have access to follow-up testing and pap smears without cost sharing.
An Act relative to patient access to information regarding breast reconstructive surgery- Under Federal Law, reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy or breast biopsy is covered by insurance with no cost-sharing by the patient. This legislation requires surgeons to explain these options to women prior to their mastectomy or biopsy. This issue was brought to Representative Galvin by a constituent.
During the 2017-2018 session, Representative Galvin received an A- from Massachusetts NARAL and Planned Parenthood ranked him as an "Ally".
Co-sponsored bills that have become law:
H140, An Act relative to abusive practices to change sexual orientation and gender identity in minors (Became law on 4/8/19)
H3594, An Act to lift the cap on kids (Became law on 4/25/19)
H1902, An Act regulating flavored tobacco products (Became law on 11/27/19)
An Act to protect persons with intellectual or developmental disability from abuse, AKA "Nicky's Law" (Became law on 2/13/20)
Policies to Assist Vulnerable Residents:
H103, An Act providing immediate childcare assistance to homeless families
H1265, An Act to protect families experiencing homelessness from having to sleep in unsafe places
H3573, An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents (The Safe Communities Act)
H124, An Act ensuring continuous healthcare coverage for youth who have aged out of the Department of Children and Families
H1173, An Act improving public health through a common application for core food, health and safety-net programs
H145, An Act relative to an agricultural healthy incentives program
H683, An Act expanding voter access through absentee and mail ballots
H719, An Act relative to rank choice voting
Animal Protections:
H2934, An Act relative to the use of elephants, big cats, primates, and bears in traveling exhibits and shows
H758, An Act protecting research animals
H800, An Act banning the retail sale of cats and dogs in pet shops
H772, An Act relative to ivory and rhinoceros horn trafficking
H1822, An Act enhancing the issuance of citations for cruel conditions for animals
H1774, An Act protecting the health and safety of puppies and kittens in cities and towns
H823, An Act concerning the use of animals in product testing
H1038, An Act to prohibit housing discrimination against responsible dog owners
H2037, An Act providing for the care and transportation of police dogs injured in the line of duty (AKA
"Nero's bill")H1823, An Act relating to the remedy for the sale of sick puppies and kittens
H1703, An Act relative to opioid drug manufacturer assessments
H4538, An Act to reduce harm from opioids
H1747, An Act helping overdosing persons in emergencies
Municipal Aid:
H1827, An Act supporting municipal fiscal stability through a special education stabilization fund
H2463, An Act to preserve community preservation revenue
H2495, An Act in aid of libraries
H218, An Act relative to the digital right to repair
H1926, An Act relative to end of life options
H1478, An Act to end child marriage in Massachusetts
H2139, An Act relative to criminal justice training regarding autistic persons
H2608, An Act to establish the family caregiving tax credit
H3573, An Act to limit consumer exposure to deceptive calling practices
H969, An Act empowering health care consumers
H4108, An Act establishing a hate crimes grant program
H614, An Act to improve Alzheimer's’ and dementia care in senior care options programs
For a complete list of co-sponsored bills this session, please visit https://malegislature.gov/Legislators/Profile/WCG1/191/Bills/Cosponsored